101: My Recurring Income Block

Today we will talk about my recurring income block. Most people think I have a perfect relationship with money because I teach money blocks. Nope, not at all.

Stay tuned in this episode because I will illustrate a recent example of how my old personal money block has recurred in different ways!

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Show Notes

101: My Recurring Income Block

Today we will talk about my recurring income block. Most people think I have a perfect relationship with money because I teach money blocks. Nope, not at all. 
My recurring money block

03:59- 04:06 My recurring money block is “Making money can’t be easy. It has to be hard work”.  04:07- 04:09 It came up for me when I started charging my clients.

04:10- 04:30 Long time ago, I had given away a bunch of sessions in return for testimonials, but I knew that I had to start making actual money if I wanted to make my business survive, and my partner was starting to make noises about me getting a backup job in case this doesn’t work out. 04:31- 04:45 So, I pulled up my big girl panties and charged a package of 12 sessions it's about 5,000 dollars. Well, nothing amazing but I felt at least comfortable, it feels good for me.

04:50- 05:01  Immediately, I had this strange feeling of, “Can I really just help people with their problems and they’ll pay me? That seems too easy”.

My first ever group program. 07:37- 07:40 When I created my first ever group program,  07:42- 07:49  Instead of working with people one on one, I teach everything I know in an online course.  07:55- 08:02 I cut my workload down drastically but still made great money out of it by grouping them together.  08:48- 08:59 I used the tools I talk about in my book and Soul Rich Woman Blueprint, I worked on those feelings and my income started rising again.

My online course and online programs

09:03- 09:23 The first time I ran my online course online program, it was a huge stress. Because I was putting and having midnight oil trying to put the sales page together, I was still creating handouts, and sending them out and I got very little sleep especially during the sales period. I’m sure you’ve been there.

09:24- 09:30 But because it was so much work, I felt like I really earned the money. Because it had so much work.

09:35- 09:41 And after all, I didn't sleep enough because of it. I sweated so much because it was like a real job.

My own personal money sabotage

10:54-11:05 It’s not that big a deal to start clearing this stuff especially when you have the support of a mastermind, but it always feels real, you know?

The same old feeling

11:06- 11:23 So, that was a couple of years ago. And it's very important. So this again the same old feeling. This is too easy. How can I make money when it's not hard?

11:24- 11:36 Now, when you talk about this, I just feel that humans are so weird. It's the same weird feeling you get when you make your first ebook sale. 

Perfection is not the goal

11:52- 12:05 That’s why I constantly say, "PERFECTION IS NOT THE GOAL". You’re not working towards a complete absence of money blocks. You have to learn to move through them regardless and keep moving forward.

Key Takeaways:

  1. Perfection is not the goal.

  2. Do some money clearing.

  3. Cut your workload.

  4. You can totally handle it.

  5. Keep moving forward.

Key Resources:
Subscribe to Genecia’s Youtube channel: https://bit.ly/2lFnHlW
Visit SRW’s website: https://www.soulrichwoman.com 
Follow Genecia on Instagram : (@geneciaalluora)
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Check Genecia’s LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/genecia/