43: 1 Key strategy to make your 4-figure income online (like this stay at home mum) What is your dream? 1 Key to 4-figure income online TODAY. Case Study: Maelynn Lim. The Detox Chef.

Today I wanna share with you the difference between a woman and man. And this story of the race track of how I always get women telling me they’re too tired for their dreams, they can't see their dreams anymore, they have put their dreams into the closet, into the dustbin literally. To know about those differences, tune in to this episode.

Free Resource: "Soul Why: Soul Rich Woman Blueprint" and "How to Delegate 80% of your to-do list" ---> https://be.soulrichwoman.com

Show Notes

43: 1 Key strategy to make your 4-figure income online (like this stay at home mum) What is your dream? 1 Key to 4-figure income online TODAY. Case Study: Maelynn Lim. The Detox Chef.

Don't wait until you are ready to take action. Instead, take action to be ready.

Welcome to ‘Soul Why? The Secrets Of The Soul Rich Woman Blueprint’ podcast. Today I wanna share with you the difference between a woman and a man. And this story of the race track of how I always get women telling me they’re too tired for their dreams, they can't see their dreams anymore, they have put their dreams into the closet, into the dustbin literally. To know about those differences, tune in to this episode.

A woman with a passion

08:26 - 08:38  She was able to discover that piece of talent within her and ignited the passion within her. She was able to turn that into a business. 08:42 - 08:49  And she went to pursue her dreams. In two months she made four figures online. 08:51 - 09:24  Four figures, that’s a few thousand dollars, Singapore dollars in two months after the very faithful first coaching session with me and a few more after, and then she took action and it was not an action that goes round and round in circles, no, it was really real, progressive, significant, cohesive action that brings results and she got it.

Turn that passion into a business

03:56 - 04:00 So we have this ten years stay-at-home mom, her name is Maelynn Lim. 04:19 - 04:34  And before she was a stay-at-home mom, she was a twenty-year, working in twenty years in a digital advertising firm and it was because of her daughter who has a hot problem that therefore she decided to stay at home. 04:58 - 05:07  So by the time ten years later, moving a timeline forward, you see she was unhappy, she was getting unhappy because the kids are already grown up. 06:10 - 06:19  So after discussing with her and using the soul rich blueprint I got her through the blueprint process and a few questions I always asked and I discovered that  07:07 - 07:29  she has this secret recipe, the chili paste, something really spicy, something really fresh, there is preservatives-free and it's not salted, there’s are no sugar, there’s no salt, there's not much oil within that pocket of chili recipe and I said wow this is it!

The beautiful results

08:05 - 08:09  And with marketing, you will get your results. 09:25 - 09:37  Now every single month even up to today moving the timeline forward months later, one year later she is still making four figures online, recurring. 09:39 - 09:45  Recurring is a repeat business guaranteed. How cool is that? 09:46 - 10:24 (38) Now, who here wants to earn a recurring income month after month after doing the one thing which is setting up your dreams ready for action-taking. Who here wants it? If you say yes, me, or you say anything that is a relevant notion of yes then take action. Check out our soul rich blueprint. We have audio programs, live stream workshops, and even digital products for you to take action on.

Key Takeaways:

  1. Make a firm decision as a woman.

  2. Even though the beginning is the hardest still do it for a long term game plan.

  3. Don’t be dependent on any circumstances that will happen around you.

  4. Set up your dreams and be ready to take real action.

  5. Do marketing and you will eventually get your results.

Key Resources:
Subscribe to Genecia’s Youtube channel: https://bit.ly/2lFnHlW
Visit SRW’s website: https://www.soulrichwoman.com 
Follow Genecia on Instagram : (@geneciaalluora)
Follow Genecia on Twitter: (@GeneciaAlluora) 
Check Genecia’s LinkedIn : https://www.linkedin.com/in/genecia/