19: How to Delegate 80% Of Your To-Do List (and Succeed!)

I’m gonna share with you how to delegate 80% of your to-do list, how I got started, and why it’s so important for you to do the same. It is important that you are delegating in business, especially if you are a busy person and there are things that you don’t want to do but need to do anyway. Tune in to this episode to learn more.

Free Resource: "Soul Why: Soul Rich Woman Blueprint" and "How to Delegate 80% of your to-do list" ---> https://be.soulrichwoman.com

Show Notes

Episode 19: How to Delegate 80% Of Your To-Do List (and Succeed!)
Hello and welcome to today’s episode. My name is Genecia Alluora, thank you for joining me today. Well, today, I’m gonna share with you how to delegate 80% of your to-do list, how I got started, and why it’s so important for you to do the same. It is important that you are delegating in business, especially if you are a busy person and there are things that you don’t want to do but need to do anyway. Tune in to this episode to learn more.

By delegating, you are focusing on your zone of genius(02:00 - 02:24) First and foremost the greatest benefit of being able to delegate 80% of your to-do list is that you can make money online easily. And you can sell anything online easily. And last, you can be just focusing on your zone of genius easily.

(02:25 - 02:35) Let me share with you what do I mean by focusing on your zone of genius. Which means, something that you love to do and you exceptionally love to do. 

(02:53 - 03:19) If you really hate doing marketing or sales, then you need, and must bring people who can support you on doing those things that you dislike as well. Also if you hate doing accounting or bookkeeping then you can also delegate out as well. So basically it’s anything that you don’t like to do, I want you to think of how you can delegate out.

Hiring people to help you build your business(04:07 - 04:11) When I decided to go from offline to online before that remember I was in the consultancy business.

(04:17 - 04:52) So I did have two staff at that time, I have two employees and there was my personal assistant and one was doing more ops job, operations kind of stuff, like helping me organize the workshops and things like that. But it came to a point I find that having a on the ground employee, you need to really know how to grow. How do you, how do you really hire somebody who can, how do you say this? It's like hiring people who really can help you build the business to where you want to go.

Building my business strategically(05:39 - 06:02) We have our own zone of genius, even our staff or employees have their own zone of genius. So when I decided to go from offline to online in 2013, I changed my strategy. I learned somehow from my mentor who guided me how to, not say hire, but kind of look at how to build my business strategically. 

(06:03 - 06:27) So that’s how I build different teams and departments on my own. Sales team, marketing team, team building social media, the team doing the Facebook ads, the team doing the overall, how do you form a sales call, how do you do even administrative work, how do you organize things so it’s easy for us to build workflow and processes.

(06:36 - 07:16) I am a very high eye person and I don’t really like to follow rules, so it was very difficult for me to mold myself into that process and flow but I would like to share with you that I allowed and gave myself permission to be a little bit more process oriented, as far as I can and then hire somebody who is more detailed than me, or more process oriented than me to look after that systems and process. So that means I know what I want and then I’m able to tell the other person what to do.

Know what you want(07:24 - 07:36) So this is one part of delegation, you must know what you want. If you don’t know what you want, you have to really find a mentor, or a coach to guide you to see what is required. 

(07:41 - 07:46) And outsource part of the system and process that you don’t want to do.

(08:34 - 08:37) So I’m overall and then I’m bringing people who’ll do the execution.

(08:38 - 08:53) So I’ll have a meeting and then I tell them this needs to be done, this is the direction, okay? Go and select some images and then these are the messaging, this is the copyrighting done by me and another copywriter and these are the things that are put together.

(09:05 - 09:08) So that’s how I outsource and delegate to my team.

Key Takeaways:

  1. Start delegating to focus on your zone of genius

  2. Know what you want

  3. Be process oriented

  4. Convey the right direction and instruction to your people

  5. By delegating, you can be more strategic in building your business

Key Resources: Subscribe to Genecia’s Youtube channel: https://bit.ly/2lFnHlWVisit SRW’s website: https://www.soulrichwoman.com Follow Genecia on Instagram : (@geneciaalluora)Follow Genecia on Twitter: (@GeneciaAlluora) Check Genecia’s LinkedIn : https://www.linkedin.com/in/genecia/

 I have a free gift for you, “Secrets of Personal Branding” and “How do you Delegate Eighty Percent of Your To-Do List So That You Can Make Money Online While Focusing On Your Zone of Genius. Go to soulrichwoman.com. S-O-U-L-R-I-C-H-W-O-M-A-N dot com. I believe we can change the world, but first, we’ve got to stop living in fear of being judged for who we are.  Hi, I’m Genecia Alluora, founder of the number one leading female entrepreneur network in Southeast Asia supporting one million women to own and love the F-word. Being fabulous, having freedom, financial independence, and family. We’ve challenged women everywhere to stop talking themselves out of their dreams.  Soul why? Secrets of the Soul Rich Women Blueprint identifies the excuses to let go of, with behaviors to adapt and the skills to acquire on the path, growth, confidence, and believing in yourself to be recognized as a leader online, great clients online, and to have more impact on the world.  Stop believing the lies about who you are, so you can become who you are meant to be, you are just an F-word away from the life you want, the marriage you want, the family that you want is going to be fueled by the business in life you build. join me being a soul rich woman, alone we are strong, together we are unstoppable.welcome to the showHello and welcome to today’s episode, my name is Genecia Alluora, thank you for joining me today.

Well, today I'm going to share with you how to delegate 80% of your to-do list, how I got started and why it's so important for you to do the same. First and foremost. The greatest benefit of being able to delegate 80% of the to-do list is that you can make money online easily and you can sell anything online easily and plus you can be just focusing on your zone of genius easily. Now, let me share with you what do I mean by focusing on your zone of genius. Okay, which means something that you left to do and exceptionally left to do. In fact, all CEOs and founders of companies must focus on sales and marketing. Now, I know that you may hate sales and marketing but if you are the head of the business then you want to be focus on doing that and if you really hate doing marketing or sales, then you need and must bring people who can support you on doing those things that you dislike as well. Also if you hate doing accounting or bookkeeping then you can also delegate out as well. So basically is anything that you don't like to do  I want you to think about how can you delicate out in my workbook. Actually. I show you how you can even list out some of the things that you enjoy doing or you do on a daily basis on a Like Mondays to Sundays ok yeah-- Mondays to Sundays not even Mondays to Fridays, Mondays to Sundays, all the things that you love to do? Or you do every single day list them all out without any discount  without holding back. Hashtag NO FILTER list everything out and then from there you pick up the things that you want to do and pick up the things that you don't want to do and that's how guest out in my workbook fo you to be able to guide you through the workbook for you to go through the step by step. So let me share with you why I got into delegation in the first place when I decided to go from offline to online before them. Remember I was in a consultancy business. I work I get paid. I work I get paid, I don't work I don't get paid so I didn't have to stuff at that time I've two employees and their my personal assistant and one was by doing all ups job operations kind of stuff by helping me with organizing workshops and things like that. I came to a point I find that you know having an on the ground employee. You need to really know how to -- how do you grow right? How do you-- how do you really hire somebody who can--- How to say this? It's like hiring people who really can help you build a business where you want to go. So sometimes I will say that I didn't know how to hire. I just thought the-- oh no. someone is just can help me do everything else thinking that one person can do anything like a personal assistant whom could help me as an image consultant running consultancy business serving politicians, ministers, CEOs decision-makers, you know high-level premium clients getting these personal assistants to do everything else for me. I was so wrong. It doesn't work that way because no one is built to do everything and anything because everyone has their own zone of genius Get it? Okay, it's kinda like showing you that we have our own zone of genius even our staff or employees have their own zone of genius. So, when I’ve decided to go from offline to online in 2013, I change my strategy I learned somehow from my mentor who guided me how to-- not say higher but kind of look at how to build my business strategically, so that's how I built different teams and departments on my own okay, a sales team marketing team your team-building social media, the team doing the  Facebook ads, the team doing the overall. You know, how do you form for sales calls? How do you do even you know administrative work? How do you organize things? So it's easy for us to build what flow and processes. So I'm never in-- I’m never a see person so if you know D I S E, I'm no a very compliant person because I'm the boss right? I am a very high I person and I don't really like to follow the rules. So it was very difficult for me to mow myself into that process and flow, but I would like to share with you that I allow and gave myself permission to be a little bit more process-oriented as far as I can and then hire somebody who is even more detailed than me or more process-oriented than me to look after that systems and process there is no I know what I want and then I'm able to tell the other person what to do. So having an idea of what you want as a boss is important. So this is one part of Delegation right. You must know what you want. If you don't know what you want. You have to really find a mentor or a coach to guide you to see what is required then work out your own systems and processes so that you can function in your zone of genius and Outsource parts of the systems and process that you don't want to do for example, when I talk about sales and marketing. I am looking at, for example, I am a very strategic person doing the Facebook ads that means I look at the messaging. I look at the imagers, right? I know the strategic plan and I myself have done it myself before I have like gone into the dashboard and do the execution part of the Facebook ads before right but up to a certain point when we are running so many ads and doing so many things at the same time.


While conducting my masterclasses, and my live-streaming classes and my time is very limited. So I hired people whom I trained to do the execution part of the ads so, I'm overall and then I bring in people who do the execution so I will have a meeting. and then I will tell them--  Okay, the business must be done and then this is the direction okay go select images and these are the messaging. All right, this is the copywriting we're done by me and another copywriter and then these are these two put together. Now, I want this country, this country to be targeted and then suggest to me what are some of the what we call the other targeting that we need to do before we move forward. So that's how I outsource and delegate to my team and now after that the team will come back to me and say okay. This are the suggested and these are things that are needed to be done and then we move. So, what are you doing? Okay in your mind right now delegating is not hard in fact it is easy, but first you need to know and begin with an end in mind. This is one strategy. I want to share with you in this episode. Begin with an end in mind because to delegate as a boss don't expect your staff or employee to do everything by themselves. One person cannot do 100 things. they are only good in that few things, use that talent wisely, so that you collaborate it wisely and grow the business to the next level in the next episode. I want to share with you another strategy I use in the art of Delegation and yeah to continue, stay tuned I'll be back in the next episode.

Thank you for joining me today. I’ll love for you to connect with me on LinkedIn, Facebook, or Instagram and share with me your thoughts on this episode at Genecia Alluora. G-E-N-E-C-I-A A-L-L-U-O-R-A. Automatedly, you can send me an e-mail at hello@soulrichwoman.com. H-E-L-L-O at S-O-U-L-R-I-C-H-W-O-M-A-N dot com. I have a free gift fo you on our website; “Secrets of Personal Branding” and also “How Do You Delegate Eighty Percent of  Your To-Do-List To Your Assistant, So That You Can Make Money Online and Focus on Your Zone of Genius” and that is available at soulrichwoman.com. S-O-U-L-R-I-C-H-W-O-M-A-N dot com. Join the number one leading female entrepreneur network in Southeast Asia connecting more than two hundred thousand women across the region.  Be a Soul Rich Woman. Dream to Shine. Woman Leader. Leader Activated. Alone you are strong, together we are unstoppable.