Who hasn't been hurt by the actions or words of another? Parents who criticized you, been bullied at school, or maybe traumatic experiences. These wounds will leave you bitterness. Today’s topic is all about forgiveness. The one exercise that can change everything in your life. Letting go of bitterness can make way for improved health and peace of mind.

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Show Notes

96: Forgiveness Is The One Exercise That Will Change Your Life

“To forgive is to set a prisoner free and discover that the prisoner was you.” - Lewis B. Smedes

Who hasn't been hurt by the actions or words of another? Parents who criticized you, been bullied at school, or maybe traumatic experiences. These wounds will leave you bitter. Today’s topic is all about forgiveness. The one exercise that can change everything in your life. Letting go of bitterness can make way for improved health and peace of mind.

Let's face it

01:55- 01:59 Let’s face it. Many of us have issues from our past that are holding us back.

 02:03- 02:21 Whether it’s your not very childhood, a terrible past relationship, a psycho ex-partner, painful memories of school bullies, or some other story, holding on to resentment affects you in countless ways. 

02:22 - 02:34 It can kill your enjoyment of life, affect current relationships, or hold you back from experiencing love. It can even live in your body and cause illness. 

03:53- 03:54 I was still angry.   03:57- 04:00 But today not anymore.  07:50- 08:01 I really want to tell you that really do make an experience this transformation begins with recognizing and being aware that you are willing to change. 
Make a list

08:03- 08:04 Number one, make a list.  

08:05- 08:19 Get your journal and make a physical list of every single thing that has been done to you that you can not forgive. Things that you are holding onto and that situations that have played on your mind for years. 
08:21- 08:46  It can be big or small, specific or general. I would say start with your parents and that’s always fertile ground for the material. Think about your life chronologically and work your way through any traumatic events, childhood hurts, mistakes by your family, and embarrassments that have created a negative charge for you.

The simple process

11:33- 11:39 Number two, the simple process. Now I want you to mentally affirm that person or situation.  11:40- 11:51 I forgive you, I’m sorry and I love you. That’s it. You can spend a couple of seconds on each one and then move on. 

11:52- 12:18 Don’t get caught up in the emotion. You are only saying the mantra and releasing the memory, releasing the energy, releasing that part of you that you've held onto that toxic to your body. You may feel an overwhelming outpouring of sadness, you may cry but you know what, my dear, I'm with you. Just continue the mantra. 
12:19 - 12:38 I forgive you. Evaporates the energy of resentment you hold towards them. I’m sorry. Allows you to feel compassion for their side of the story. I love you. Balances the energy, sends love to the situation, and releases you from being the victim.

12:49- 12:52 Afterwards drink a lot of water and rest.

Check back
 12:53- 13:03  Number three, check back. Give it a few days and check in with your list to see any charge remaining.  
13:03- 13:14 You’ll be surprised to find that you can’t even recall certain stories and if you do, there won’t be any trace of embarrassment or anger.

13:18 - 13:35 Things will shift in your real world. You will feel happier and lighter. Don’t be surprised if you get a call out of the blue from someone you’ve forgiven. They will experience the benefits too, they might feel lighter or more loving towards you.

13:36 - 13:54 You won’t be seeing that person or situation through a distorted filter anymore. You’ll be free of the chains and open to new possibilities for your relationship. You may never even think of them again, which can be a blessing. You’ve also given yourself great freedom.

Keys Takeaways: 

  1. Move on from the past.

  2. Be willing to change.

  3. Make a list.

  4. Make a simple process.

  5. Check back. 

Key Resources:
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Visit SRW’s website: https://www.soulrichwoman.com 
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