138: Power Of Self-Love

Self-love is different from self-confidence

Self-love is a feeling of value we feel towards ourselves and our relationships with others. While confidence is something we present outwards.

No one is ever going to love you more than you love yourself.

It’s not selfish. You will realize that before you can truly take care of others, you have to first take care of yourself.

In this episode I will talk about the reasons why self-love is the best kind of love, and why it's important to love yourself first, and what makes you feel special and loved. Tuned in to learn more!

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Show Notes

138: Power Of Self-Love

A lot of women are extremely nurturing and loving to everyone except themselves. Some psychologists say it’s because from an early age girls are taught to be helpful, selfless, and not to trouble anyone. 
I think it causes some women to feel guilty as if they are not worth spending time or money on or even asking for help.
This attitude has a direct impact on our weight, health, relationships, sex, and success and holds back so much potential that could make a huge difference in the world.

Remind yourself
03:02- 03:06  Now, I have to admit being one of the worst in self-love. 
03:13- 03:23  I was on the ground with several jobs on the go, as a waitress, I was teaching yoga, Aerobics, line dancing and not giving myself physical care or even rest. 
03:24- 03:39 I remember a really bad time in my life when my self-care was at an all-time low. It serves as a powerful reminder that I am in control of how I feel about myself.
04:54- 05:11 Today, I am much better now but I have to remind myself that I’m allowed to take care of myself lovingly and I deserve a great relationship. Even though I still need to work on, at least I’ve come a long way since that day.

Why is self-love important?

05:12- 05:13 Why is self-love so important?
05:14- 05:35  There are some women who seem effortlessly confidently beautiful and things just magically happen for them. They might not be the smartest, nicest, or the most attractive, but there’s something indefinable that makes them stand out like a star.

05:36- 05:56 Usually these women get what they want because they ask for it and feel like they deserve it. It's as simple as that. They think nothing of treating themselves as they would a special friend or someone they love. This is not selfish; it’s a form of self-love and acceptance.
05:58- 06:18 Self-love and self-care are not just about buying yourself flowers or going to the hairdresser, going from massage but treating yourself how you would treat others. This includes “forgiving” yourself for mistakes in any area of your life. It's about being kind to yourself.
What makes you feel special and loved?
07:40- 07:41 What makes you feel special and loved? 
07:42- 07:59 For me, I love spending time alone in solitude, sitting in a beautiful space – either at home or in a park or just listening to podcasts and enjoying the beauty around me.
08:00- 08:32 When I’m busy, fun things go out the window and when we are busy, fun things go out of the window because we think we don’t have time. When money is tight, we feel guilty about spending money on non-essential experiences. The reason why it’s so important is that when we laugh and have fun – we feel lighter and happier. This affects how we treat our bodies as well.

Key Takeaways:

  1. Don’t feel guilty.

  2. Remind yourself that you deserve more.

  3. You are in control of how you feel about yourself.

  4. It’s not selfish to treat yourself right.

  5. Treating yourself how you would treat others.

Key Resources:
Subscribe to Genecia’s Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/SoulRichWoman
Visit SRW’s website: https://www.soulrichwoman.com
Follow Genecia on Instagram : (@Geneciaalluora)
Follow Genecia on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/geneciaalluora/
Check Genecia’s LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/genecia/

Free Resource: "Soul Why: Soul Rich Woman Blueprint" and "How to Delegate 80% of your to-do list" ---> https://be.soulrichwoman.com

Secrets of Manifesting Money Quickly Online Course ---> https://shor.by/moneymindset