134: Your 1st Step In Becoming A Millionaire Starts Today

Have you ever dreamed of becoming a millionaire?

It may start today.

Becoming a millionaire is a reachable goal if you start now and develop the right habits.

Now, in this episode, I am about to share something with you that will blow your mind about the first step in becoming a millionaire. Get ready!

Free Resource: "Soul Why: Soul Rich Woman Blueprint" and "How to Delegate 80% of your to-do list" ---> https://be.soulrichwoman.com

Show Notes

134: Your 1st Step In Becoming A Millionaire Starts Today

 Hello and welcome to ‘Soul Why? Secrets Of The Soul Rich Woman Blueprint’ I am Genecia Alluora, author of two best selling books, former Ms. Singapore, café retail chain owner, Southeast Woman  Asia of Excellence 2010, and International Progressive Women 2019, I’m also the Founder of Soul Rich Woman.
Today I want to talk about Your “1st Step In Becoming A Millionaire Starting Today”
I work with women with big dreams. I am not just talking about making 7 figures. I am talking about amazing women like Oprah Winfrey and Arianna Huffington game-changing status. These women have tremendous visions for their lives and I know they are going to make it happen.
One of the first steps when working with a new client is the typical, “Tell me about your dream day exercise.” You know, the exercise where you share your million-dollar lifestyle. 
The one where you wake up in a mansion and your private jet is waiting or you are ready to dream because there is a diamond within you and you deserve to shine.
After my client is done dreaming, I ask, “How can you start living that millionaire lifestyle now? Like right now?”
When working with a new client  

02:29- 02:40 One of the first steps when working with a new client is typically, “Tell me about your dream day exercise.” You know, the exercise where you share your million-dollar lifestyle. 
02:57- 03:06 After my client is done dreaming, I ask, “How can you start living that millionaire lifestyle now?”
03:08- 03:30 99% of the time, my client would usually tell, “Huh? What do you mean? I don’t have money now. That’s why I’m hiring you as my mentor and coach to guide me, right?”  Then I ask again, “How can you start living your millionaire lifestyle right now?” 
03:31- 03:39 I insist that you and also my clients to make room right now for what’s to come.

The psychological reason

04:02- 04:33  I want to tell you something that will to blow your mind. The psychological reason why making space for your million-dollar lifestyle right now is so important.  Because if you act as if and if you see it before you achieve it, allows you to manifest your dreams because you are taking a leap of faith, you act on faith. It requires you to expect things to come to you as if you already had what you want. 
 Money does not make people happier

04:34- 04:44 But I just want to tell you this, money does not make people happier.  "Wait, What? Oh, you knew that?" I figured you might know this statement. 
04:49- 04:55 Psychologists can measure the levels of people’s happiness through instruments such as inventories and assessments. 

04:56- 05:01  Here’s a more complex statistic from the research that I think drives the point home. 

05:02- 05:44The key thing here is there is no difference in the levels of happiness between a person that makes $50,000 and $50,000,000. Now, let me spell that out for you because this is huge. There is no difference in the levels of happiness between a person that makes  $50,000 and $50,000,000. Once you have your basic needs met, think about Maslow Hierarchy of Needs, the shelter, food, clothing, and transportation, your happiness levels don’t change no matter how high your income climbs. 

05:45- 04:50  So that extra money you make isn’t going to bring extra happiness. 

05:51- 06:12 The key to happiness is really finding happiness right now. It’s not about waiting, later, maybe to live the life of your dreams when you get the money, the man, the status, the award, or the whatever. Happiness is about how can you bring the joy into the present moment. 
06:13- 06:23 It’s time to step into the joy of what your future lifestyle will afford you because you can have a piece of it right now.
So here’s your assignment

06:33- 07:15 How can you start living your million-dollar lifestyle right now? Pick one thing in your life that becomes non-negotiable expense/gift.

For example:

  1. Want to travel monthly? - Well start by saving so you can have a trip at least once a year.

  2. Imagine driving a really fancy car? - Rent one from a luxury dealership for the weekend.

  3. Only want to work 20 hours a week?-  Start to strategize how you can delegate tasks to an assistant to give you more time freedom.

 Key Takeaways:

  1. Start with “How can you start right now?”

  2. You can make room for what’s to come.

  3. Exercise your million-dollar lifestyle.

  4. Money does not make people happier.

  5. It’s time to step into the joy.

Key Resources:
Subscribe to Genecia’s Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/SoulRichWoman
Visit SRW’s website: https://www.soulrichwoman.com
Follow Genecia on Instagram : (@Geneciaalluora)
Follow Genecia on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/geneciaalluora/
Check Genecia’s LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/genecia/

Free Resource: "Soul Why: Soul Rich Woman Blueprint" and "How to Delegate 80% of your to-do list" ---> https://be.soulrichwoman.com

Secrets of Manifesting Money Quickly Online Course ---> https://shor.by/moneymindset