121: When Do Money Blocks Affect Your Business The Most?

“Money blocks.”

When do they come up? I mean, when do they not come up?

That’s the bad news, they will come and come again.

It’s just like getting up and having a shower; you have to do it every day. Otherwise, you start to smell a little bit.

In this episode, let me share with you the money blocks that affect your business the most!

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Show Notes

121: When Do Money Blocks Affect Your Business The Most?

“Money blocks.”
When do they come up? I mean, when do they not come up?
That’s the bad news, they will come and come again. 
It’s just like getting up and having a shower; you have to do it every day. Otherwise, you start to smell a little bit.
In this episode, let me share with you the money blocks that affect your business the most!
Starting your business?

03:05- 03:24 If you are starting your business, more money blocks will show up.  If you’re just getting your business started right now, this is where your money blocks can really push you off the tangent and make you feel like you’ve got a lot of resistance and procrastination. This might be the first time that they have even come up for you and you're not even aware of it.

03:31- 04:10 Most of the time in a job, you don’t get blocked by money. Maybe you’ve never experienced money blocks before. Now, suddenly you are having to set your own prices, you set your own business and someone’s asking you, “Can I get a discount on that?”, “Would you like to barter trade or collaboration for free?”. All these things are happening and it’s all-new for you. The first time you get a refund request, it’s new. The first time you get someone complaining about your course, your product, or your services, have a complaint, that’s new.

Launching something?

05:49- 06:16 Money blocks will come up at critical points in your business, like when you are launching something new. This is when you going to second guess your pricing; you look around and compare everyone’s prices. Are you too expensive? Are you the cheapest? You start to second guess every single part of your business. You start to ask yourself, “Am I worth it? Am I enough? Did I do enough?”

08:33- 08:44 Remember, launching in your business is such an emotional thing and emotions can be heightened. You have to be very careful that you’re not making up stories about yourself during those times.

Hit an income plateau or flatline? 
09:26- 10:12 Spoiler alert, it’s because of money blocks. The third most popular time that you might hit your money blocks is when you’ve hit an income flatline. This is when your money blocks are really going to come up because you might start to tell yourself stories. For example, “This is the most amount of money I’ve ever been able to make in your life and any success I’ve had so far has been a joke." These money blocks are real. If you don't deal with it, your negative self-talk is going to destruct whatever you've built. Then you can’t quit and you can’t give up because you already built a business.

Got a big money goal?

10:39- 10:55 Got a big money goal? Money blocks will also find you. Now, the last time that you’re probably going to hit your money blocks is when you’ve set a new big hairy audacious goal like six figures business or seven figures business. Something that is really symbolic to you.

11:39- 11:57 When you have the tools and you will be able to recognize your money blocks faster because you will be able to recognize your own self-sabotage and move through it as well. And you’ll have the armor and the fortitude to keep on going no matter what, until the next one.
Once you know it, you can clear it. 

12:30- 12:31 Once you know it, you can clear it. 
12:38- 12:48 So, the next time it comes up, you’ll be able to recognize it and throw it away much faster so that you can move on and create that F-Word life that you want.

Key Takeaways:

  1. Starting your business

  2. Launching something

  3. When you hit an income plateau or flatline

  4. Got a big money goal

  5. Once you know it, you can clear it.

Key Resources:
Subscribe to Genecia’s Youtube channel: https://bit.ly/2lFnHlW
Visit SRW’s website: https://www.soulrichwoman.com 
Follow Genecia on Instagram : (@geneciaalluora)
Follow Genecia on Twitter: (@GeneciaAlluora) 
Check Genecia’s LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/genecia/